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Company Analysis: Saudi Airlines - Coursework Example

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The paper "Company Analysis: Saudi Airlines" is an amazing example of Business coursework. The operations of this airline are manifold. Christopher (2014) posits that is it actually the National flag carrier airline for Saudi Arabia. The companies headquarter is based in Jeddah City and operates both domestic and international flights as indicated on its official website…
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Download file to see previous pages The paper "Company Analysis: Saudi Airlines" is an amazing example of Business coursework. The operations of this airline are manifold. Christopher (2014) posits that is it actually the National flag carrier airline for Saudi Arabia. The companies headquarter is based in Jeddah City and operates both domestic and international flights as indicated on its official website. 

In-depth analysis by Christopher (2014) gives accounts of the airline development and growth since its inception in 1945 with just a single twin-engine called DC-3 HZ-AAX (Dakota). The airplane was given to King Abdul Aziz as a gift by the then U.S president Franklin Roosevelt and the king purchased other two more planes DC-3s. The airline is also one of the members of the Arab Air Carrie Organization (AACO), IATA, and the SkyTeam. The international destinations include Africa, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North America. The information on its official website indicates that the main operational base for the airline company is the Riyadh-King Khalid International Airport (RUH), and the second operational base is the Dammam King Fahd International Airport (DMM) (Saudia Airline, 2013).

1.2    Development and growth

A comprehensive and comparative analysis of this airline has been done by Bader (2013). The study indicates that the airline introduced a new airline in the year 2000 called H.R.H.  The services were scheduled to start from the Madinah to Dhaka and Mumbai, which started its operation on October 31st the same and scheduled to reach Nigeria, Kano, from Jeddah on the same month.  At the same time, the freight of the cargo also started in the same month heading to Delhi. Conversely, the catering department of the airline has been on significant growth and recorded high meals of close to 13.5 million during the year 2000. According to its website, the same services are offered to 50 more other airlines. The Arabia airline received its ISO-9002:1994 certification in the same year and its printed department also received ISO-9001:1994 in the same year from Moody International.

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