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Human Relationships from the Qualities of Pigs - Research Paper Example

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In the paper “Human Relationships from the Qualities of Pigs” the author discusses the representation of the pig in the literature, which is used to create specific attributes that allow the plot to move forward and to create a stronger sense of what is occurring…
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Human Relationships from the Qualities of Pigs
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Human Relationships from the Qualities of Pigs Introduction The representation of animals throughout literature has been integral to the way that authors have expressed human attributes. When looking at pigs as used throughout time, there is the ability to see character attributes and a development of plot line by the authors. Authors have given pigs certain characteristics, all which are used to create a specific effect on the story. The main characteristics seen throughout time are the ideas of the pigs being emotional and sensitive. The representation of the pig is used to create specific attributes that allow the plot to move forward and to create a stronger sense of what is occurring. More importantly, the pig is able to become a metaphor of the human elements and attributes that are a part of the human. The pig is not only used as an animal that has certain attributes. More importantly, it is the reflection of human attributes that allow the pig to have an importance in the plot line and the way that the characters are understood in each of the stories. The qualities and attributes that are a part of the pig are important to define not only because of the place that the animal holds in literature. More importantly, the pig is able to create a connection to the human element. The characteristics that are defined among pigs are created not only for an association of the different attributes pigs have. More importantly, each of the authors creates an association from animals to humans. At one level, this moves outside of the box to show the relationship of animals to humans. At a different level, there is a psychological connection from pigs to humans to show that both have the same attributes and the same mind and soul. As this is done, there is the ability to create a deeper association with the pigs. The pigs are able to work as a reflection of human qualities and attributes that work in a fairy tale manner but also move outside of this for a better understanding of being human. Fables and Myths with Pigs The attributes of the pigs as emotional and sensitive are used throughout history to define different myths and fables. Pigs were first seen in literature in ancient Egypt and were considered as a pure creature that should be worshiped. Ceremonies were often used with pigs as the main sacrifice during this time. It was believed that if a pig were sacrificed, it would be able to ward off evil spirits that were dwelling over the land. Others looked at the pig as a protector and it was often worn as a charm that would help to defeat enemies and save those from evil that was in an area. The pig, unlike other animals, was not known to protect and safeguard through the assertiveness of other animals. Instead, it was able to do this through its sensitivity and ability to carry a sacredness that was good instead of bad. Egyptians that needed extra protection without a violent outtake would sacrifice the pig to ensure that they were protected over a certain area or time frame. The pig as a fable and myth was not only a part of the Egyptian history, but also moved into the same symbol with Biblical reference. The main story that is used with pigs is one that is in Matthew. In this story, two men pass through and see Jesus. They are known to be possessed of demons when they approach Jesus. They try to turn him away from his path and stop him from going to the land that he is supposed to. To respond, Jesus sends them into a herd of pigs. This is done to protect the community from the two possessed men and to caste out the devils that are associated with the men. However, the demonic spirit that is a part of this leads the two men and the entire herd of pigs into the Galilee Sea. There are other stories that are a part of the Bible that show this same relationship. For instance, another story shows flying pigs that go over a land and that are able to cast out the evil of the land. The flying pigs are a direct attribute that is designed to protect and help those that are in a certain community. These stories show that the characteristics of the pigs are one that is pure and can be used as protection. More importantly, the pig is sensitive to the concept of good and bad and is able to work as a protective force while conquering others. In Biblical times, this was considered as a sacred animal that was a part of worship. The fable and myth of the pig is also seen in the Greek time frame in which the pig was considered as the good god. The pig is associated with the form of Osiris, also known as the good god. The main role of the pig in Osiris is similar to the other spirits. The pig has the ability to cast out the demons that are seen in serpents and in other gods. More importantly, the pig is sensitive to the spirits that are surrounding in different forms and can conquer these different attributes that are trying to attack a land. Osiris was one that would help the humans as well as the gods by protecting them from the serpents and other demons. However, Osiris was known to not carry any violence and used wisdom, sensitivity and emotions to be a part of literature. The sacredness of the pig continued to move into other forms of literature with the same concept of sensitivity and protection that was first seen in the mythology, fables and stories that come from ancient time frames (Mackenzie, 15). Other fables and stories have created the same association with pigs throughout time. After the Greek and Roman time period was the association with pigs in the medieval literature. This was directly associated with Biblical references and the idea of protecting and safeguarding those that were in a specific area. During this time, other associations with the pig also began to be noticed. Many cultures defined the pig as being clean and organized because of the way that it lived. Others changed the concept of sacredness that the pig had and created myths surrounding the pig over the lifestyle that it lived. Egyptian and Greek cultures continued to look at the pig with several attributes that were godly and which were directly associated with the culture and human attributes of the time period (Mackenzie, 19). The Legend of the Three Little Pigs The fable and the myth that was first used for pigs then led into the continuous attributes of emotion and sensitivity that is a part of this animal. In this story, the pig is seen as a protector that is able to outsmart the wolf as he tries to take his pigs. The story is one that shows good against evil, where the wolf represents evil and the pigs represent good. To do this, the pigs do not use violence and do not respond in ways that will hurt the wolf. Instead, they lock the wolf out of their home by outsmarting him. When the wolf blows down the hay home, for instance, the pigs respond by building a stronger and sturdier house. The pigs are able to protect themselves from the wolf. However, they also don’t use violence for this, but instead use their sensitivity and their intelligence to outsmart the pig. The attribute of the pig, shown in this particular fairy tale, is able to show the same sensitivity as the past myths. The concept of emotions and sensitivity that are a part of the attributes of the three little pigs continues with how the story is told. This starts at the beginning when the mother has to send the pigs out to live on their own. When she is speaking with the pigs, she cautions them to be aware of the big bad wolf. While two of the pigs respond by saying that they don’t need to fear the wolf, the third responds by showing emotions and sensitivity to his mother with the statement that they will be very careful. As the story continues, the pigs respond in a similar manner. As they deal with the pig, they show the concept of protection as they believe that the wolf will not be able to get into their homes and eat them. However, the sensitivity and emotion continues as the pigs are able to move into different homes. The safeguard that is built as well as the emotional responses from the pigs shows that the attributes of the pig are based on emotional characteristics and sensitivity (Harris, 5). Charlotte’s Web The progression of the attributes of the pig leads into newer stories, such as Charlotte’s Web. This book is based on the story of a spider who lives in a barn. However, the book is not only about the spider but also includes the story of the runt pig, Wilbur. The beginning attributes of Wilbur show that he has sensitivity and emotion toward his attachment to Fern. He is often seen following Fern into her bedroom and through the stairs. He continuously follows Fern and is by her side. This shows the sensitivity of the pig as well as the emotional attachment that is created as Fern raises the pig (White, 5-10). The story of Charlotte’s Web, from the perspective of Wilbur, is one that is based on the characteristics of the pig as well as the way that he responds to different situations through emotions and sensitivity. As the story continues, Wilbur becomes the primary character, specifically because of the attributes that he carries. The sensitivity that Wilbur creates is seen as he grows accustomed to the new barn that he is in as well as the different events that happen with his life in the barn. The most important part of this is when he meets Charlotte. It is the sensitivity that Wilbur has toward the spider that creates the main plot line of the book. Wilbur’s ability to associate with the spider and the way that he speaks with the spider shows that there is a different side to the pig and the characters that it carries. For instance, when speaking to Charlotte, he asks politely if he can get a drink of water by saying “may I.” When Charlotte says no, he agrees and waits patiently. He is also sensitive to what Fern is seeing as he talks to the spider and is aware that Charlotte will need to understand how the relationship between the pig and the spider has been created (White, 65). The dialogue, character development and the overall story of Wilbur shows the concepts of emotion and sensitivity through the book. Babe Another story that shows these same attributes is through the story, “Babe.” This is a film about a pig that is not able to associate with others that are in the farm as the only pig. As the story is built, Babe shows different attributes that are specifically related to emotions and sensitivity. For instance, the ability to respond to the hierarchy of sheep and those that have special codes for the farm are able to create a specific understanding of the attributes of the pig. Whenever approached, Babe responds to the pig, dog and others with a sense of sincerity and patience. Even when the others are noticing his faults and are making fun of him, he is still able to respond by being polite and sensitive to the situation. The character attributes that the writer creates is linked directly to the emotional relationship and the sensitivity to the other characters on the farm. As the story continues, Babe is able to show these attributes in several ways. For instance, Babe is seen herding sheep because he sees that one of the sheep dogs needs help. Even though he gets into trouble several times, he is also seen saving several from different situations. At times, his emotions will get into trouble, such as when he steals the alarm clock from the farmers’ house to help his friends. However, at other times, Babe is seen helping those on the farm because he notices that they are in trouble. The emotions and sensitivity that are a part of the story show that there are several attributes that are related to the pig and how it responds in different situations. Relating Pigs to Psychology A third book that shows the perspective of pigs and how they are emotional and sensitive is from Erica Fudge’s perception of animals in the story Goodbye Mom. Fudge moves through several animal stories that are presented in modern day literature and in other mediums of work. In each of these, Fudge is able to show the perception of the pigs as well as how their characteristics are created from emotions and sensitivity. The concept of emotions and sensitivity, according to Fudge, is not only an attribute that the pigs carry in each of the stories. More importantly, this attribute is one that humans desire to see in animals and the way that they are perceived in society. The communication that is a part of the animals as well as the way that they are presented is important in not only perceiving the quality of the pig, but also placing strong placements of what it means to be a pig. The animal in each of these stories becomes one of the human elements and creates a relationship based on what humans want to perceive, as well as through defining human characteristics (Fudge, 92 – 94). The concept of moving the animals into human elements is one that is not only perceived as one that creates a relationship to the pigs. More importantly, there is the ability to understand how these specific elements allow the viewer and reader to perceive ideas outside of the box and outside of their consciousness. Showing the self outside of the regular perceptions and outside of realism is able to create a different understanding of what is occurring in society. More importantly, there is the ability to change animals from being that of objects or machines, as referred to by some scientists. Instead, the attributes of the animal are able to carry a mind and soul that responds to different situations and which becomes an essential component to the stories that have a rational soul (Fudge, 98). The concept of the pigs and how it relates to humans is not only important because of the perceptions of being human. The authors that use this are able to show different literary techniques that create metaphor of being human through the animals. The use of dialogue, plot line and the different tensions that the pigs have to work through create the same relationship and perception of the pig. This is seen through the Biblical times and into the contemporary literature that is used by the authors. In each of the stories, there is a conflict that the pigs have to overcome. The pigs use the human elements of emotions and sensitivity to create the right response and to show that they can overcome situations through these attributes. The dialogue and literary techniques are used to show more human qualities that are a part of the pigs, as well as a psychological association with the attributes of the pig. When looking at each of the stories, it can be seen that there is a sense of human characteristics that many can identify with. For instance, the myth and the Biblical stories of the pigs show the human element of protection. The pigs that are in these stories are able to define not only characteristics of humans but also those that are godly. The consciousness that is created from the pigs is one that shows that those in society and individuals can be stronger and more sensitive than the evil that surrounds them. According to Fudge, the pig is able to carry a certain mind and soul that could be used in society as a protective force, as well as one that was emotional and sensitive. In other forms of myth and fairy tale, the pig was able to associate with human elements by showing the same attributes. For example, in the “Three Little Pigs,” there is the ability to overcome and triumph over the wolf. The wolf is a metaphor of hardships that many may move through. It is through the pigs wit and the ability for them to continue trying to overcome the situation that they are able to move past the hardships of the wolf. The human element of the pig is seen through their wisdom as well as their ability to continue trying to overcome the wolf. These attributes relate to the human psyche and works as a metaphor and as a life lesson for those that were in society at the time. Not only do the attributes of the pigs in the “Three Little Pigs” work as a metaphor for human attributes, but also creates a close association with the pigs toward the psyche. The author presents the pig in human form. Moving out of the mothers home to make a living and building their own homes are a part of the form that is created. This is used not only to present an element to the pig that is understandable, but also allows the pigs to create a mind and soul element. More importantly, it creates a viewpoint that allows the reader to associate with the pig and the life that is led at the time. Doing this is able to present a different understanding of the pigs and their relationship to society at the time. The newer books of “Charlotte’s Web” and “Babe” present these same attributes. The relationship that is built to the human psyche is based on the development of the characters. For instance, Wilbur is brought up by a human and stays be Fern’s side in the first section of the book. After this, there is the building into dialogue as the main plot line in the book. The author is able to move outside of the normal human element and into a sense of fantasy that is a part of the book. However, the fantasy becomes real because of the human qualities that Wilbur has, specifically which are based on his focus of sensitivity and politeness in each situation. As the story continues, the human elements are able to create the basis for Wilbur’s characteristics. These are used to show human ideologies and the way that one should relate to society. “Babe” shows this same element through the book. The relationship to humans is also seen through Babe, specifically by the end of the story. While Babe is first seen as a dinner plate, he is able to use his qualities and human elements to win over the farmer and to move into a different role on the farm. The farmer, by the end of the story, is seen talking to Babe so he can herd the sheep, with the famous line of “That will do pig.” The association with humans and the characteristics that Babe is able to create shows a stronger relationship between the two. The story is then able to work psychologically on viewers watching the movie. This is done by showing human elements of the pig as well as the relationships that are created from emotions and sensitivity. Conclusion The different attributes of the pig have been seen throughout history, from ancient times and into the present day. The ancient stories of the pig show qualities that are considered sacred. The attributes relate directly to human attributes of protection and sensitivity that is outside of evil. The newer stories that are associated with pigs hold this same element, which is based specifically on the qualities of emotions and sensitivity. The authors that approach the attributes of pigs are not only creating an understanding of the attributes of this animal. More specifically, there is a relationship to the human element inside the animal, which creates a sense of mind and soul that is a part of the animals. More importantly, the animals are able to show a perspective that is human and is natural to animals and humans. As this is done, there is an understanding and relationship from the animals and into the human psyche. Works Cited Fudge, Erica. Animal. Reakiton Books: New York, 2002. Book. Harris, Marian. The Three Little Pigs. Accord Publishing: Colorado, 1995. Book. Mackenzie, David. Egyptian Myth and Legend. Sacred Texts: New York, 1907. Book. Noonan, Chris (dir). Babe. Kennedy Miller Productions: California, 1995. Movie. White, E.B. Charlotte’s Web. Harper Collins: New York, 1952. Book. Read More
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