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Health Psychology: Diathesis and Its Features - Coursework Example

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The paper "Health Psychology: Diathesis and Its Features" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in health psychology in terms of diathesis and its features. Diathesis is the predisposition in a person towards developing a psychological disorder…
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Health Psychology: Diathesis and Its Features
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?Topic:  Health Psychology Diathesis and its features Diathesis is the predisposition in a person towards developing a psychological disorder According to bio-psychosocial model, mental disorder can arise in a person due to psychological, genetical or socio- cultural factors. A person with diathesis is vulnerable to mental disorder at the onset of stress factor. Diathesis vulnerability can cause psychological disorder if the person is exposed to stressful circumstances. Diathesis stress model was reformulated during the span of previous 20 years in to stress vulnerability protective factors model. This model bestows potential benefits to the people suffering from acute mental illnesses. It has helped in initiating research on severe mental illness as schizophrenia and inducing treatment to improve their situation especially by controlling stress by enhancing protective factors. Bio-psychosocial model suggest that genetic predisposition inherited in a person can lead to mental illness under stressful situation. In mental disorder like depression, gene interaction with environmental situation is the cause of outbreak of illness. The diathesis stress model explains the gene interaction with environment in out breaking mental illness among people. The diathesis – stress model is also known as “differential susceptibility” which suggests that people’s response to environmental influence may differ. Nature attributes abilities to human at birth and this is contributed by gene from family members. Contemporary belief is that behavior of a person is determined by the interaction of nature and nurture. The interaction of nurture and nature with gene and environment influence psychological disorder in people .Nature and nurture debate argues the extent to which gene and environment has hold on behavior of person. Definition of Stress and Issues Related to it Stress is the body’s response to the changing situation of external environment which requires emotional, physical and mental adjustment. Stressor existing in the person’s physiology is the main cause of stress in people. There are different theories which explain the concept of stress related disorders and they are stimulus theories, response theories and interaction theories. Stimulus theory suggests that stress can originate from various catastrophic events, desperate situation in life and from noisy and crowded places. Response theory focuses on how body responds to stressful events in life where people are under pressure. Whereas interaction theory suggests that stress is a result of interaction between person and environment. However, Stress is not seen as a stimulus or response rather as an interaction between internal and external factors. The main two factors influencing our appraisal are commitment and beliefs. Commitment is a factor which exists between people in relationships and if it has to influence appraisal, it has to be engaged by a particular encounter. Commitment comprises of cognitive elements like values, goals and choices and this motivate human functioning. When it comes to belief it is the understanding formed in our mind regarding the things in the environment? Our appraisal has an influence on stress development as it can cause arousal of nervous system. According to studies, traumatic childhood and stressful situation in development stage of child can result in adult psychopathology. Higher load of stressful situation can lead to various psychological situations in adulthood of a person. It is found out that stress during childhood can lead to malfunctioning of brain and hormonal working pattern .of person. Perceived discrimination and culture as critical stressor Perceived discrimination in cultural practice is strongly associated with depressive disorders as it leads to cultural conflicts and distinctive traditional practices. In cultural perspective there exists discrimination based on skin color, rituals , customs and food habits which can create stress on people .In countries where people from different cultural background survives together can get victimized to perceived discrimination which can lead to critical stress development. In this cases, problem focused coping can reduce the effect of perceived discrimination hence reducing the chances of depression and stress. Also seeking social support from social support networks can help in avoiding stress aroused due to negative effect of perceived discrimination. Ethnic support networks impart psychological well being to people suffering from perceived discrimination by giving them counseling and emotional support. Even stress has different aspects like relationship stress, work stress and environmental stress. Problems and conflicts in relationship can lead to stress called relationship stress. Stress resulting from pressure at workplace can termed as work stress. Environmental stress is developed due to things existing in the environment. Also adverse environmental conditions like harsh summer and winter, pollution and noise can lead to stress build up. Relationship stress can be dealt by communicating and understanding each other better. Work related stress can be overcome by practicing meditation and yoga which stabilizes the mind. Also physical exercise and indulging in recreational activates can lead to stress relief from work. Environmental stress can be reduced by taking precautions from stress relating elements in environment and staying away from harsh environmental conditions. Healthy habits and its influence on psychological behavior Healthy behaviors have a direct effect on the psychological behavior of a person. The habits of people relating to food consumption, drinking and smoking directly influence their psychological balance .Health providers, human service professionals and public service professionals should recommend psychologically disordered people to maintain a consistent balance in food habits. Eating excessively unhealthy food can lead to addiction and mental disturbance and lethargy. Proper nutritious food should be suggested to people who are mentally ill to think clear and enable healthy brain functioning. Proactive eating refers to choosing food according to their nutritional value .Health professionals should give guidelines and menu choices to people which include fruits and vegetable necessary for health living. Impulsive eating and reactive eating tendencies should be ceased to maintain mental balance in a person. Drinking and smoking also has a tremendous impact on the psychological well being of a person. The main issue with drinking and smoking is that it creates addictive behavior in people. The health providers should educate mentally ill people regarding the ill effects of drinking and smoking and assist them with ways to eradicate these habits. When people are under stress they tend to drink alcohol or smoke to overcome problems. But health care professionals should suggest them alternate ways to control stress .Moreover drinking can manipulate the cognitive thinking ability of people and can alleviate their psychological problems. Biological development and socio- biopsychological perspective Socio – biopsychological perspective focus on understanding the human functioning and its effect in causing illnesses to people. It tries to understand how social circumstances of people can influence to create health problems in people. Biological development of a person has a great effect on the psychological health of a person. According to socio- biopsychological perspective human thoughts and behavior have a biological background. Human nervous system is not simple and neurons in the brain are the core agent responsible for communication system. The endocrine system is also extremely essential for communication system. This system makes use of glands present in various regions of the body to regulate digestion, metabolism and blood pressure and growth. While circulatory system carries blood to various organs of the body and eliminate waste products to excretory organs. The digestive system helps in digestion and assimilation of food and supply nutrition to the body. The immunity and defense system of the body helps in fighting illnesses and protect body from foreign agents. The defense process is a biological structure which helps body in fighting against harmful viruses, bacteria or fungi. All these function of body are considerable important for the healthy well being of a person. If any of these bodily functions are disrupted a normal human being can encounter distress and discomfort in their body. All the functions like nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system and immunity system if works in co ordination can lead to a health bodily functioning. Read More
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